;5.4) Program: WISE (2D 1H WIdeline SEparation by 13C chemical shifts) with LGCP ;Description: Detect fast rotational dynamics by 1H line narrowing with 13C site resolution ;Requires: !!; ;Reference(s): KSR, Clauss, Spiess, Macromolecules 25, 3273-3277 (1992). This program also ;includes 13C decoupling during t1 introduced by Tekely et al., ;Recent application of this specific pulse sequence: KSR & Mao, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124, ;13938-13948 (2002). ;srcpLGwise.toss ;from srcpLGwise.echo ;from srcpLG.wito ;1H delay before CP ;tppm-decoupled (p8 = 180 pulse length with pl12) ;CP with Lee-Goldburg magic angle spinlock ;on 1H to suppress spin diffusion ;switch O2 by 0.71 w1 positive ;pl2 is power level for contact, pl12 is power level for decoupling on F2 define loopcounter td1half "td1half=td1/2" ;for STATES when used as HETCOR "l20=aq/(p8*2)" "p13=p3*353/900" ;35 degree pulse on 1H "p23=p3*547/900" ;55 degree pulse on 1H "d25=(1s/l31)*0.1226-(p2/2)-2u-3u" "d26=(1s/l31)*0.0773-p2" ;too short for power level switch "d27=(1s/l31)*0.2236-p2-6u" "d28=(1s/l31)*1.0433-p2-6u" "d29=(1s/l31)*0.7744-(p2/2)-3u-d13-1u" "d30=d29-d14" 1 ze d19 fq1:f2 ;switch O2 on resonance 2 d1 do:f2 ;recycle delay 10u pl1:f1 ;preselect pl1 drive power level for F1 10u pl2:f2 ;preselect pl2 drive power for F2 1u:f2 ph1 1u:f1 ph2 p1:f1 ph4^ ;delete 13C 5m p1:f1 ph4^ ;delete 13C 5m p1:f1 ph4^ ;delete 13C 5m p1:f1 ph4^ ;delete 13C 5m 10u fq1:f2 ;1H during WISE (on resonance) or HETCOR p11:f2 ph1 ;1H 90 or shorter p4:f1 ph12 ;13C dipolar decoupling p13:f2 ph3 ;without d6: proton 35 +y pulse onto tilted spin lock (negative offset) d19 fq5:f2 pl3:f2 ;O2 off resonance by cos(54.74) = 0.577 w1(CP) ; or 0.71 w1(CPLG); power +1.76 dB from pl2 to pl3 (p15 ph2):f1 (p15 ph10):f2 ;contact pulse w/ magic angle spin lock on 1H d19 fq1:f2 ;O2 back on resonance for decoupling 1u cw:f2 pl12:f2 pl11:f1 ;set decoupling drive power level d25 ; 3u pl22:f2 p2:f1 ph6 ;180 13C #1 d26 ; p2:f1 ph7 ;180 13C #2 3u pl12:f2 d27 ; 3u pl22:f2 p2:f1 ph8 ;180 13C #3 3u pl12:f2 d28 ; 3u pl22:f2 p2:f1 ph9 ;180 13C #4 3u pl12:f2 d30 ;rest of TOSS d29 d14 do:f2 ;gated decoupling 1u cpds2:f2 ;turn on f2 decoupling 2u:f1 ph0 ;dead time delay, reset RF phase to detect go=2 ph31 ;do NS scans 1m do:f2 ;1D: ; wr #0 ;2D 100m wr #0 if #0 zd ;write file to disk, increment, zero data 10m id4 ;increments d4 by IN4 10m ipu4 ;increments p4 by INP4 lo to 1 times td1 ;use for WISE exit ph0= 0 ;reference phase ph1= 1 3 ;1H 90 start ph2= 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 ;13C CP ph3= 1 ;1H 35 onto tilted spinlock (negative offset) ph4= 1 2 3 0 ;13C destroy magnetization ph6= 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 0 ;180 13C #1 ph7= 3 3 0 0 1 1 2 2 ;180 13C #2 ph8= 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 0 ;180 13C #3 3 3 0 0 1 1 2 2 ph9= 2 2 1 1 0 0 3 3 ;180 13C #4 0 0 3 3 2 2 1 1 ph10= 0 ;1H CP ph12= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ph31= 0 2 1 3 2 0 3 1 ;RLS