;4.3) Program: PRIDE (PRoton Inverse-detected DEuteron) NMR by HMQC and pulsed 1H spin-lock ;Description: Sensitivity-enhanced deuteron NMR of partially deuterated systems by 1H detection ;Requires: !!!!; static 2D experiment ;Reference: Klaus Schmidt-Rohr, Kay Saalw?chter, Shu-Feng Liu, and Mei Hong ;J. Am. Chem. Soc.; 2001; 123(29) pp 7168 - 7169; ;srh2hhmqc3.mrev (XWinNMR 2.6) ;with pulsed spin-lock detection ;real 2H t1 evolution in ;proton-detected 1H-2H HMQC ;set MSE window length p4 (~20u) ; create mrev-8 decoupled Hahn echo define delay ap13 "d21=p1" "d14=p4/2-p11/2-p3-d4-p13/2" ;half delay in MSE "ap13=p13" define delay small "small=d3-p1" define delay large "large=d3+d3-p1" 1 ze 2 d1 10u pl1:f1 ;1H 10u pl3:f3 ;2H 3u:f1 ph1 3 p11:e:f1 ph1 ;90 excitation pulse d19:e:f1 ph13 p12:e:f1 ph13 ;45 -y pulse (M perp. to B_eff) 4 d21:e:f1 ph10 ;MREV-8 loop small p1:e:f1 ph10 small p1:e:f1 ph11 large p1:e:f1 ph13 small p1:e:f1 ph12 large p1:e:f1 ph12 small p1:e:f1 ph11 large p1:e:f1 ph13 small p1:e:f1 ph10 small lo to 4 times l5 p11:e:f1 ph10 ;90 pulse of MSE d19 p4:e:f1 ph11 ;incr. with t1; 4*360 pulse of MSE d19 p4:e:f1 ph13 ;4*360 pulse of MSE d19 p11:e:f1 ph12 ;90 pulse of MSE d14:f3 ph4 p3:e:f3 ph4 ;2H pulse 1 d19:e:f3 ph5 p13:e:f3 ph5 ;2H pulse 2 (composite pulse) d4:f3 ph6 (d4 p3 ph6 ap13 d14):f3 (p2 ph13):f1 ;t1/2, 2H pulse 3, rest of window ;180 pulse for Hahn echo 7 d21:e:f1 ph10 ;MREV-8 loop small p1:e:f1 ph10 small p1:e:f1 ph11 large p1:e:f1 ph13 small p1:e:f1 ph12 large p1:e:f1 ph12 small p1:e:f1 ph11 large p1:e:f1 ph13 small p1:e:f1 ph10 small lo to 7 times l5 d19:e:f1 ph11 p12:e:f1 ph11 ;45 +y pulse back 2u adc ph31 1u:e:f1 ph0 8 p21:e:f1 ph8 ;spin lock 90 pulse d13:f1 ph3 ;deadtime (>5.5u) p0:x ;detection lo to 8 times l4 aq rcyc=2 ;do NS scans ;1D: wr #0 ;2D ; 100m wr #0 if #0 zd ;write file to disk, increment, zero data ; 10m ipu4 ;increment p4 by INP4 (=2*IN4) ; 10m id4 ;increment d4 by IN4 ; lo to 1 times td1 9 exit ph0=0 ph1= +x +x -x -x +y +y -y -y ;first 1H 90 pulse ph3=+x ;reference phase in detection ph4= 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 ;first 2H 90 pulse ph5= 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 ;second 2H 90 pulse 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 ph6= 2 ;third 2H 90 pulse ph8=+y +y -y -y -x -x +x +x ;pulsed spin lock ph10=+x ;MREV-8 pulses ph11=+y ;... ph12=-x ;... ph13=-y ;... ph31=0 2 2 0 1 3 3 1 ;detection ;ph31=0 0 2 2 3 3 1 1 ;detection of full Hahn echo