;4.1) Program: 1H background suppression ;Description: Probehead background suppression in 1H one-pulse spectra ;Requires: !; static or MAS spectra ;Reference(s): Chen & KSR, Solid State NMR 26, 11-15 (2004) ;sronep.ksr ;from srFonecho.ksr ;from sronecdd.ksr ;one-pulse excitation of 13C, and Hahn echo ;with cw proton decoupling ;pl12 is power level for decoupling on F2 "d13=0.001s/l30 - p1/2 - p2/2" ;exactly tr from center to center of pulses 1 ze 2 d1 ;recycle delay 10u pl1:f1 ;preselect pl1 drive power level for F1 p1:f1 ph2 ;90 13C excitation pulse d3 ;deadtime protection 2u:f1 ph0 ;dead time delay, reset RF phase to detect go=2 ph31 ;start ADC with ph31 signal routing wr #0 exit ph0= 0 ph2= 1 3 2 0 3 1 0 2 ;13C 90 excitation ph31= 0 2 1 3 2 0 3 1 ;RCPH